Moving the mouse over the control should show the current ribbon text (or move the control to and from).
This is because the modules "basCallbacks" and "basGDIPlus" are not updated automatically. Follow these steps:
- Save the module "basRibbonCallbacks" in your database.
- Delete the module "basRibbonCallbacks" from your database.
- Save the module "basGDIPlus" in your database.
- Delete the module "basGDIPlus" from your database.
- Close your database.
- Open the RibbpnCreator 2016 and load the ribbon from your database.
- Ensure on the Tab "Finish" that you have checked
- Copy "basRibbonCallbacks" to the database and
- Copy "basGDIPlus" to the database
- On the tab "Finish" click the button "Update Access Database"
There can be various reasons.
1. RibbonCreator 2016 can only process XML files generated by RibbonCreator 2013/2016.
- RibbonCreator 2016 uses pre-fixes to display controls.
btn = Button
tgb = ToggleButton
lbl = Label
cbx = Checkbox
ddc = DropdownControl
sep = Separator
ebx = EditBox
gbt = ButtonGroups
mnu = Menu
sbt = SplitButton
gal = Gallery
cmb = ComboBox
dym = DynamicMenu
- The "Tag" attribute is used to load information (user-defined pictures, defaults).
- There are "<- Comments lines ->" used to finish controls / control groups which have to remain present.
2. Ribbon XML must be well-formed. (Try to open the file using Internet Explorer.)
1. The database in that you want to export must not start an autoexec macro.
2. Don’t open/save databases from mapped drives.
3. The database in that you want to export must not be secured by an ".mdw" access workgroup file.
4. The database in which should be exported must not be password protected.
5. The database in which should be exported must not have a start-up form.
6. In rare cases it may help to start the RibbonCreator with administrative rights (Context Menu --> "Run as ..." --> "The following user" --> Administrator)
7. If in additional to Access 2013 or 2016 Access Runtime is installed:a) Uninstall Access Runtime.
b) Install RibbonCreator 2016.
c) Reinstall Access Runtime
8. If next to Access 2016 earlier Access versions are installed:
It is recommended not to install earlier Office versions in addition to Access 2013 or 2016 on the same machine.
The best choice for development with Access 2013/2016 is:a) Create a virtual machine e.g.:(Microsoft Virtual PC 2007)
b) Install operating system (Windows XP or Vista)
c) Install .Net 2.0 Framework (.net Framework download site)
d) Install MS Office 2016.
e) Update your virtual machine using Microsoft Update .
f) Install Ribbon Creator 2016 and other required tools.
Use the snapshot function provided by the VM to save the state between steps mentioned above
Uncheck under "Access Options / Client Settings / Advanced" - "Open last used database when Access starts"
We use for open the Database following Code in .Net:
Try dbs = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(strFilename, False, False) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(My.Resources.Resource1.strAccessOpen,MsgBoxStyle.Critical, strAppName) End Try
This raise the Messagebox "The selected database is open..." if OpenDatabase failes.
Is no other database open, repair your Office / Access installation.